by Montserrat Alvarez
By the end of 2018, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft was four billion miles from Earth, the most distant area ever visited by humanity.
I named our next step at HEIMAT ATLANTICA, in honor of this mission. HEIMAT ATLANTICA has always been a planet in these New Horizons, the one of great love, adventures and magic.

HA was born as a cultural project to protect and highlight unique crafts from the Atlantic coast.

As founder and CEO of HEIMAT ATLANTICA, my aim has always been helping the community, sharing our passionate vision and trying to bring our universe & values as close as possible to you, our community; because I believe in the power of people unified by shared values.
The current system of seasons and markdowns is not what we believe today being the best to bring value to our handmade products which are based on the legacy of traditional crafts (that are far away from trends).
We are always striving to do better; this is the reason that today, more than ever, I want to reach a NEW HORIZON by exploring our values and being even more focused on our DNA. I want to continue on the original meaning of FASHION AS CULTURE.

HEMAT ATLANTICA is NOT about a trend bag.

With HEIMAT ATLANTICA I want to keep on being this universe where timeless objects have the essence and the beauty of evolution.
I really hope you’ll stay with us, please get on board and join our mission ! Love, Montserrat